Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I've never been bothered by accusations of being opinionated. Indeed, I've always believed that the unexamined life isn't worth living. You examine life, you come to conclusions, you form opinions, you get happy, you get sad, you get POed. I'm on board with Bill Maher, who's often quoted as saying that, "I'm pissed off because more people aren't pissed off." Agreed. There is much in life worthy of our anger.

But that's not the purpose here, it's not about anger - it's about me! Isn't that what a blog is? And, after all, isn't everything about us individually? Of course it is.

So, here I am with a blog. This is my initial post - just to see if things work. Once they appear to do so, I'll commence the profundity. Whether or not I want any of your opinions on my opinions is another matter altogether. I'm not sure.

And it's not for lack of caring. No, not at all. It's more me not wanting to:

a) Have to spend time sifting through and pulling out crap that shouldn't be published.

b) Taking your crap.

I have enough crap of my own, thanks.