Friday, December 7, 2007

Let's Do An Update...

Maybe it's time to update things a bit, to houseclean.

Some might call it stirring the pot. Others might call it stirring something else.

In the name of good taste, and a minor testament to my skill at making better use of the English language, we'll just stir the "pot."

Actually, I'm getting tired of looking at my last post and itching to write something new and different. So, while this may be something new and different, it might also be the same old same old...with a few new twists.

First, who's the elf stirring the pot? Why, that's Mr. Mixie of course!

Right. I know. Who?

Mr. Mixie was likewise an unknown to me until he surfaced while Googling for Vernon Grant. Vernon Grant is the man who created Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Vernon Grant also had literally dozens of magazine covers to his credit, many of them featuring his stylized Santa Claus. That's Grant's Santa over there on the right.

Vernon Grant, if he were alive today, would also be Keith Martin's father-in-law. Vernon Grant was Kay Martin's Dad, Kay being Keith's wife. All of this is my way of making amends for using, without permission, Vernon Grant's art work on this blog. So, Kay, Keith, sorry...and thanks...and Merry Christmas!

Besides, the Martins have long been devoted supporters of The SPCA of Luzerne County, our SPCA, my SPCA, the SPCA I love dearly.

I've mentioned before that a certain media outlet has seemingly ignored talk of my congressional aspirations. That shunning ended last week when their star(and I mean that) political reporter contacted me, subsequent to which we had a great gab for roughly one half hour. He's a nice guy, we share much in common.

Plus, for the first time in a long time, I made it to Electric City. EC is a weekly that has carried, since its inception, a column by one "Rude" Rube Lomax. Rube was once the pseudo of a female reporter, now in the employ of yet another media operation. So, who presently shoulders the weight of being Rube is unknown to me. I could guess. I'd guess my guess would be correct. Whoever you might be, thanks for mentioning me.

Another candidate announced this week. I wish him well, which isn't worth much since I'm still not a candidate. Just to re-cap; one candidate and I have had a great meeting, another suggested a meeting that has yet to happen.

Now, a bit of cloak and dagger, a touch of subterfuge, a whiff of mystery.

Over the last two weeks, both sides of the aisle have made what I consider initial overtures to either, a) See to it that I get into the race; b) See to it that I stay out of the race.

Let's say that that both have made their first offers. They won't be their last offers.

For now, that's all I feel comfortable saying about it. I have no desire to embarrass anyone - including myself - so we'll have to leave it pretty much at that. Put what weight in it what you will, your call.

Do consider, though, that just who's who is unclear to me at present. I mentioned elsewhere on this blog of learning long ago that things are often not what they appear to be. In politics, the water gets even muddier.

Today I learned that some smearing is already underway. You'll have to poke around to find it, because I am not interested in spreading or participating in any smearing or mudslinging. That being said, ignoring that it's out there is foolish, disingenuous.

The smear involves business dealings. That's where I come up happy; having never been a "businessman" can bring its own rewards.

It's early. This could be the first exchange of what will be a nasty battle. And that's only the primary. First blood has been drawn.