Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fences, Santa's Knee, Still Sitting...

It's still there, my own personal spot on the fence on the left. Yeah, I'm sitting on it, haven't leaned, been pushed, or fallen one way or the other yet. But it sure is nice to have a fence to sit on, know what I mean? Once again, thanks, Liz.

I did add a new photo, below to your right. This old print has been sitting on our bedroom dresser ever since my Mom insisted she get it out of her house and into mine. I don't think she was tired of looking at it, but rather felt it belonged with me, since it is me sitting upon Santa's knee at one of downtown Scranton's then three(at least three)department stores. "Then" would have to be 1952-53. My own memories of that day simply don't exist, but it seems to me that my mother believed the picture was taken at The Household, a department store on Lackawanna Avenue, likely gone since the 60s latest. The building that it once occupied got blown up, or blown "in" to be more accurate, during the legendary Lackawanna Avenue Implosion, the one that made way for The Steamtown Mall. If you're A Christmas Story fan, then you'll probably spot my snowsuit, physical proof that they once existed in this culture. Can't help you much with Big Foot, but snowsuits, yep.

I'm still good with the idea that there's time, quite a bit of time. There's no pressure to start looking, acting, and spending like a congressional candidate. However, the subject of money has been coming up more and more lately, seemingly driven by those who want to know how much there is in my war-chest. Hey, do you suppose some would like to know, "Is there a war-chest?"

How much do you need to run for congress? Lots...maybe, maybe. It's widely accepted that most candidates spend the bulk of their campaign money on "buying" name and face recognition. For me, that is a huge savings right there. And as always, "We pass the savings along to you, our valued customer!"

OK, perhaps I am being a bit flip, but let's keep in mind that money has failed to get people elected in the past, and there is no indication that money won't fail again in the future. Money is only part of the equation, to think otherwise is a fool's pursuit.

So, while others have pains of desire and pangs of need to be a member of congress, that's just not me. I didn't grow up wanting to go to Washington, at least not as an elected public servant. Washington is a neat place to live, and there was a time when I came close to doing so...but that was way back when.

What to wear on swearing-in day still isn't keeping me up nights, no tossing and turning, no knots in the gut, no hand wringing.

Today, as 2007 winds down, the deal is still pretty much the deal it was a month or more ago - I'm thinking.

So, if you stumble on in here, there's much more right below this post.

Please know that my appreciation for your interest is genuine. A special acknowledgment goes to some folks from the West Side of The Wyoming Valley who passed along that they heard I was prepping to run for governor.

That's the first I'd heard that.

Congressman? Yes, a consideration.

Governor? Jeez, I hadn't thought much about it.

Governor comes with a mansion, right?

November 26th...It's a dreary Monday across our part of the state today, a good and fitting day to be off and doing nothing. Had a ball yesterday at The Hudson Model Railroad Club's train show. It comes highly recommended by both Carol and me. While there, three people called me "Congressman." All I could do was smile and chuckle just a bit.

Plus, news has made its way back to me from Washington and Harrisburg, via the Midwest, that a number of heads are being scratched over just what it is I think I'm doing. Please, scratch away. Oh, a media outlet in NE PA continues to ignore my possible candidacy, which works out really good. See, by not mentioning me, they've caused more people to question why they haven't. Thanks.

November 18th...
Things over the last few weeks have been interesting. Because of my job, and also my wife's job, being at public events has been required. I'm accustomed to that, did it for over 2o years while working in television. It was part of the routine. Specifically, we attended two veterans' events; one at Misericordia, the other the W-B Vets Parade. Both were very nice events. Both were well attended, both paid tribute to men and women who more than deserve it. One declared candidate was at the Misericordia event, but sorry to say, I didn't personally see him. Best I can tell, neither was at the parade, although Congressman Carney was indeed there. It was nice to see him and exchange routine pleasantries. I don't know if he feels the same way.

Drum beats from the west end of the district. This past week brought a few phone calls from media people and an elected state official's office in the Williamsport area. Williamsport is the biggest city in the 10th Congressional District of Pennsylvania. Williamsport is also a city I consider to be my second home. Having worked there for four years way back in the '70s, I love Williamsport. It's a great town. I'm both happy and proud to say I have friends there.

And this I completely neglected to update...I did mention a planned meeting with a declared candidate. We did indeed meet, gabbing for beyond two hours. I like the guy, we got along very, very well. Politically, he is much further right than me. This wasn't a surprise. His only request of me was that we keep it clean, keep it civil, keep it gentlemanly. He has my assurances to do just that...with a caveat. The caveat is simple, "If someone pushes me, I push back, and push back hard." Fair enough?