Monday, December 31, 2007

Confusing Signs...

We all look for signs. Reading tea leaves is a big part of political savvy, the thing that can make or unmake a potential candidates.

I hear things. Some people are reading signs. So, let me tell you what I'm hearing about me and congress, and me and politics over all.

There are several things. For now, though, let me pass along just one.

Which is that some assume I couldn't possibly be serious about running for office because I haven't yet declared myself a candidate. The thinking there is that it's just too late.

Is it too late?

Well, yes, I suppose it might be too late...for some.

Those "some" would be aspiring candidates who need considerable lead-time to build momentum, which is another way of saying they need to bust their backsides gaining name and face recognition. They have to spend a warehouse full of money on advertising in all mediums; newspaper, radio, television, billboards. And you can't forget the internet. Do so at your own peril.

Given conventional and prevailing wisdom, the battle for the 10th Congressional District of Pennsylvania, primary and general election alike, will be fought electronically, mostly via television. There are, however, variables that could change that strategy.

So, is too late to get in? For me, no.

It's really not a matter of me being too late, but rather a matter of other candidates getting in way too early. Which, perhaps, was necessary. It's not much off the mark to say that the incumbent had barely returned to his seat after taking his first oath of office when the test baloons were released by a few as to their viability as candidates.

I'm blessed inasmuch as I didn't, and don't, need all that lead-time to build and build and build name and face recognition. I have it. Like it or not, being on television for over 20 years(and on the radio for 14)gave me a precious commodity, one envied by many.

It's a commodity never to be abused. Indeed, it is a commodity to be respected and used only for good. It is, in many ways, a blessing. I've known that for a long, long time.

And it's a privilege. As with all privileges, it comes with responsibility. I've also known that for a long, long time.

So, despite any number of confusing signs and what they might mean, I can tell you one thing with complete certainty this last day of 2007 ; I would never abuse the blessings I have for any reason whatsoever. Happy New Year!