Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Trouble With Mr. Sorvino....

I've been a fan of Paul Sorvino since first seeing him in a movie called Dummy.

Dummy was a made-for-TV movie (which we all know, often stink by comparison to their theatrical cousins)about a deaf guy accused of killing a prostitute. That deaf young man was played by LeVar Burton, with Sorvino playing the deaf lawyer who becomes his defense attorney, all of which has about zero to do with this post except to establish my being a Sorvino fan.

I've never met the man, although I have been close enough to him to hear his voice. That was during a chat he had with my wife at the Radisson in Scranton several years ago. Carol knew Sorvino from his days in Scranton filming That Championship Season. Carol was his "dresser," she handled his wardrobe for him during all of the Scranton shooting. Paul Sorvino, that day, was in the company of one Martin Sheen, who I also have never met. Again, my wife knows them both. The three of them had a nice chat.

All I got from their chance meeting was the opportunity to name-drop by association.

Sorvino's fondness for Scranton has been a boost to the area, no argument there. That he wanted to shoot a movie here was also pretty heady stuff. That a former Lackawanna County Commissioner handed him a big bunch of county money to help make the movie was a bit troubling at first. Now, yeah, Lackawanna Countians, looks like you've been had.

That movie, The Trouble with Cali, will never see the light of day, and we all know that. The money that the county "spotted" Sorvino is also never to be seen again.

I keep reading about meetings and missives and phone calls regarding the movie and the money. The one thing that hops out and pokes me in the eye is this; the principal photography for The Trouble with Cali was shot three years ago.

Three years ago.

Given styles of hair, clothes, make-up, given Sorvino's claims that the movie could be released in four or five months, which means that photography will then be close to four years old, am I the only one who thinks that this movie just might look a little goofy because it will be obviously out of date when it's released? I am assuming it's not a "period piece."

All academic points, since it won't be finished in four or five months, or ever. The real trouble with Cali is that we'll never see The Trouble with Cali.