Saturday, March 7, 2009

Too Early...

As always, my optimism got way out ahead of my logic and reason. I went looking for Spring too soon.

Did the first Yard Tour of 2009 with my wife today, half expecting more than was found.

Can't much say it was a total disappointment, not at all. That's a forsythia bush of ours over there on the right. All of those buds are viable, none are yet green, not one shows a sign of bloom. It's only the first weekend in March.

I get antsy. Forsythia is among the first to flower, usually in a dazzling yellow pop that comes and goes much too quickly.

Then there's this thistle, looking vibrant and good to go. Scottish thistle some consider a weed, actually spending time and money to get rid of it.

Me? Well, I happen to embrace the idea that "nature knows no weeds." Some would say "God made no weeds." Either or, the point is the same; weeds are only weeds because we think and say they are.

Plus, when thistle blooms, if you let it do so, the flower is really pretty.

Walking around the place today, one thing is for certain - the earth in these latitudes is stirring and coming alive for another season of growth.

Amen to that.