Sunday, March 22, 2009

Merry Christmas, or Happy Birthday, or Whatever...

Someone out there might read this and take offense, maybe actually have their feelings hurt. If that be the case, you have my sincerest apologies, so help me.

Long story short here...

I find a puddle of water behind our cellar door the other day, the door to the basement steps. I wipe it up, figuring some spill on the floor dribbled behind the door and no big deal. No more wasting time thinking about it...until this morning.

Needing to get into the basement, I find another puddle behind the door. Wifey and I are stumped. There's no plumbing in any wall anywhere near the puddle.

Then Carol nails it.

Tracing a watery trail, she finds a hole chewed in the water line (plastic tubing) which taps into our cold water line in the basement and gives us ice water and ice cubes on the front end of the refrigerator.

We have this cat, Dave, who likes to chew on the tubing when he can get his face on it. Doing a chew on this plastic line means some serious work. Dave has to somehow paw the line out from behind the refrigerator where he can get at it, then commence to chewing. This is the second time he's managed this. Dave solves cat problems which, in turn, gives us problems. FWIW, we have two other cats who have no interest whatsoever in this.

"Silver linings" and all those other nifty platitudes aside, Dave's leak brings a bonus - a brand new rechargeable/cordless saber saw, a really nice one. In the package, unopened, alone, forgotten, and in the dark, a power tool awaited.

Where'd THIS come from?

I don't know. I really don't know.

It was there, there behind the basement door, along with a pile of other tools and things that don't get a going-through often enough.

So, for whomever gave me/us this neat saw for Christmas, or a birthday, or a maybe as a returned favor, thank you!

One troubling thought; did I buy it myself, stow it behind the door, then forget it for what could be a couple years?

Might be.