Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Habemus Episcopum!

Thanks to an old and dear friend, I not long ago learned the Latin for "We have a bishop."

Like many, I've been awaiting the announcement with some interest, especially since I'd long been convinced of who it was going to be. In fact, I was certain and would have wagered respectable money, if I could have found a taker.

Last night I learned that my guess was wrong. At least I lost no money on the deal.

News spread when the diocese scheduled a news conference, with many reporters thinking it had to be one of two things, 1) A new bishop; 2) The diocese was filing for bankruptcy protection. With it being the former, we know that:

"Monsignor Joseph Bambera has been appointed the 10th bishop of the Diocese of Scranton, the Vatican announced this morning."

I was wrong, and please, that carries no disrespect for bishop-elect Bambera.

Since the announcement has been made, I feel comfortable in saying that my accomplices in drawing the now clearly flawed conclusion as to the next bishop were many. In short, there were sources, plenty of sources. Good, solid sources within the diocese, sources reaching as far as the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

All of those insiders pointed to the same individual whom I personally speculated would become the next Bishop of Scranton. The sure thing was no sure thing at all.

Habemus Episcopum! I wish nothing but greatness for Monsignor Bambera and all the good people of the diocese.

As to the priest I believed would be elevated? I'm not giving up yet. I'll make another prediction: He'll be appointed Bishop of Harrisburg.

If I'm wrong again, I'll be happy to come back and say so again.