Friday, January 8, 2010

The Litter Box - 2010's First Stinkies...

I Like the Lawrence Welk Show...Working up the nerve to make that admission takes time. Visiting my grandparents as a kid, they'd sit and watch and smile as the show wound its way through one piece of corn after another, with a couple of Geritol commercials thrown in by Mr. Welk himself. All the while I squirmed and itched on their couch. Going out in the yard and running face first into an iron hinge on their garage door would have been more fun for me. Today, the show reminds me of simpler and uncomplicated times, times when a couple of smiling dufuses dancing across a sound stage floor could excite the imagination. I've been thinking about how old my grandparents were when I sat there on their couch...I don't want to talk about it right now.

Are you ready for Christmas?
...You hear that a lot each year. Each year, I'm not ready. Each year, Christmas happens anyway.

Are you ready for New Year's?
...Why, is there some approved list I should be checking?

Any New Year's Resolutions?...No, I'm quite fine the way I am, except for that one time I made a negligible mistake, which was driven solely by my desire to relate better to, to Joe Sixpack, or Frank Frontporch, or Mr. and Mrs. Anytown, USA. American futility at it's best; the New Year's Resolution. Make 'em to break 'em. Honestly? I want a great year for our SPCA.

Tiger Woods
...Can we all leave this one alone? To say that I couldn't care less is the very definition of understatement. If his "stock" falls, it means that the leeches who were sucking his financial blood are thirsty, maybe drying up. Tough tees. Mr. Woods, I am certain, is fine. Go forth, sir, and do what you do like no other; golf.

Luzerne County's Newest Commissioner...
I don't know Mr. Cooney. My assumption would be that he is a man of honesty, integrity, decency, and that he has no intention of trying to run for the seat next time around. That being true and said, could not this court en banc have selected someone, anyone, who has absolutely, positively, undeniably no connection whatsoever to Luzerne County and its recent administrations? Apparently not. For the record, no, I had no interest in the job under any conceivable circumstance.

Jumping Into Ice Cold Water
on New Year's Day...Oh, that I had the nerve. I do not. Good cause or not, has anyone ever died doing this? The shock to some human systems has to be deadly. They call him "Crazy" Chris Concert. Chris, you've now earned the title.

Kathy Griffin Drops the F-Bomb Again...That's what she does, get it? Stop paying attention, she'll stop doing it. While we're practicing an ounce of common sense, something show biz isn't real good at, how about CNN and others deny her the venue to let it fly? Oh, some have called it a "curse" word, even wire services and major news outlets have called it a curse word. It's not. A curse word involves asking a deity to hurt someone. The F-Bomb is about as human as it gets. Remember, we made up the word. No one ever came down from any mountain with chiseled stone telling us not to arrange those four letters in that order. Griffin is an obnoxious clod. She does make me laugh a times. At others, I really wonder how she can do that routine non-stop. If I were her, I'd get on my own nerves.

Everyone Wanted 2009 Done and Gone...Just why is the question. Most all folks I've bumped into over the last couple weeks were looking forward to getting this first decade of the new century behind them. Splitting hairs about the new decade not really starting until 2011 notwithstanding, it seems that the last nine years have been unkind to many. A free admission; my lows since 2000 have been the lowest. I don't blame an arbitrary calendar. The only villain is life itself. It's one hell of a journey.

First Night Celebrations are "Dry" Events...Yes they are, and no they are not. Any First Night sponsored event, indoors or out, is dry. At the very same time, every saloon and restaurant in town is open for business, just waiting for you to pop in for a couple pops. This might be filed under clever packaging.

"...side effects may include strange dreams."...Have you ever had a dream that wasn't strange? Aren't dreams by their very nature strange? I keep hearing more and more prescription pharmaceuticals listing longer and longer disclaimers, often being lengthier than the part of the commercial pitching the drug.

Stranded By A GPS...Over the holidays, a Nevada family found itself stranded for three days because their GPS sent them down a remote forest road. A short cut, obviously, a quicker way to grandma's - literally over the river and through the woods instead of using the interstate. About a week before these people got in this jam, my GPS tried sending me up a steep dirt road, one covered with snow, while I was out just poking around over in Wayne County. One glance and I thought, "Kathy Griffin that!" and dismissed making the turn immediately. Brillliant? No. Again, it's that thing called common sense? Try it, it works.

Diocesan School Super Takes Leave
...A personal or personnel matter? I suppose both, but since no one's talking as to why the man is gone, I'll speculate. The diocese is clearing the way for a new bishop, who could be announced as early as this weekend. In an effort to make clear the path of that new bishop, many will fall. It's all about that new broom sweeping clean. Bigger by far is the need to get all of the former bishop's allies and accomplices off of the new guy's landscape, that's to further dissociate then from now.

Judge Muroski...A little patience would have prevented a lot of grief.

And so I end for now.