Sunday, December 6, 2009

Scoop and Toss...The Litterbox

It's time.

Does David Letterman golf? I have no idea and don't much care. If he does, maybe Tiger Woods could give him a lesson or two. Letterman could then give Woods some guidance on how to handle a major life misstep. Letterman's control of his situation was on a level with the best public relations firms on the planet. Woods' chose the amateur route. Before this, how many even knew Woods' was married? Few, I'd say.

Sarah Palin is extremely likable. Yep, she is, really. If Palin had pursued a career in front of a television camera, my money says she would have been a hit. She lights up a screen. If she's on my TV, I watch. She's a grandmother at 45. I can't get my mind around that. I suggest most Americans cannot either. She wants something. President? Could be. I won't vote for her. She governed fewer people than live in NE PA. And she walked away from even that relatively minor task short of her avowed term. Sarah may be grandma, but she needs some growing up.

Empty seats mean no one cares. Here's how it works; if no one directly affected cares enough to show up at a "news" event, then it's not a "news" event, except for mentioning that no one cared enough to be there. Covering news is just that, covering it, not creating it. If no one cares enough to be there, THAT'S the story. Better yet, if no one is there, turn on your heels and go elsewhere.

The embarrassment of corruption in NE PA. To be honest, I'm not at all embarrassed. Yanking corruption out by its ugly roots continues, and I find that to be a good thing, a really good thing. NE PA has needed an enema for generations. It now looks like its time to let it flow. Great. Bring it on. I hope the feds work at this for twenty years. Any county could be next, and if there is justice in life, many will be. NE PA's need for cleansing extends to the whole of this commonwealth.

Facebook has value, right?
Although I kind of get FB, what I don't get are "old friends" who seek you out, make a big fuss over reconnecting, promise to write lots more, then seemingly leave the planet. The mothership must be making more frequent stops these days. Remember, you reached out to me, not me to you. If you don't want to catch up, fine, keep to yourself. I'm like opportunity, I knock but once.

Facebook Causes. Not everything in life needs a cause, nor is it worthy of being a cause. Some of the "...join my cause" requests I get on Facebook are stupendously worthless. How about a Facebook Cause to Put An Immediate and Permanent End to Facebook Causes? I'm in.

Rewriting history should be a high crime.
Recently, I read where some wannabe political candidate's solemn goal was to return this country to the conservative principles set forth in our Constitution. Our country's creation, the documents that laid its foundation, and the men and women who made it happen, were far from conservative. Set against the backdrop of time and place, these United States of America were founded on screamingly liberal principles. You don't have to like that idea, you just can't change it to suit your agenda, whatever it might be.

"Judge" Cosgrove. This means nothing, my support or confidence is of little consequence or value to the man. Admitting that, I will also say that Joe Cosgrove is one hell of a great choice for "interim" judge.

The first snow of the season. It was encouraging to notice that life didn't come to a full stop because of some plow-able snow. Looking out at my deck, I see three inches. Could it be that us citizens of NE PA are finally getting over snow fever, that delirium which causes great fret and sweat over the mere mention of snow? Hey, another idea for a FB Cause - Put An Immediate and Permanent End to the use of the term "white stuff?"

Time to go play in the snow.