Monday, March 24, 2008

Blogger's Blahs...

Blogging each and every day sure seems like a great idea. Most all of us should have at least one thing worth mentioning that happens within a twenty-four time frame. Yeah, well, OK, maybe.

I figure that if I bore myself, it's pretty much a given that I'll bore you, so I take a pass. Some times, it turns into a leave of absence, a furlough lasting a week or beyond.

Maybe it's lack of inspiration; writer's block or whatever. If that be it, that horse over there has nothing to do with the situation at hand. It's just one of my photos from The Land at Hillside Farms. Neat place, you should make some time to visit.

Could also be plain good old-fashioned laziness, which I've been afflicted with since childhood. Despite that, I have worked hard all my life but every bit as much enjoy those times when work isn't necessary. That would be a day like today. Today is a day off and at home.

Yesterday being Easter, I got to thinking of how the day was once so important, not only in my life, but I think important to the general populace of NE PA, if you were of the Christian faith. It is indeed the day celebrating the occurrence upon which all of Christianity is founded, the Risen Christ. Sorry, it's not Christmas, it's Easter. The nuns taught us that, and so, so much more.

On the subject of the good sisters, I am saddened to read that the IHM order's membership is in troubling decline. The Sisters, Servants of The Immaculate Heart of Mary, were responsible for much of whatever goodness there lies within me, and I am happy to say so. They were and still are wonderful women.

Easter finery was big. Boys got new suits, girls got new "outfits." Do we do that anymore? Somehow, I don't think so.

Been watching HBO's John Adams. The portrait of John Adams gives you a reference in deciding whether or not Paul Giamatti looks like the 2nd president of the United States or not. To me, Giamatti doesn't look unlike him, there is a resemblance. I'd say that John Adams makes for great TV, but it really isn't TV, it's a long theatrical movie presented on a premium channel. If one of the networks did a version of John Adams, I'd skip it, for you could pretty much count on it being inaccurate historically. By all accounts the HBO version is solid and sound in its accuracy. The cast is sensational; Tom Wilkinson, David Morse, Laura Linney, and I'm just hitting the highlights there.

Also on HBO, a new George Carlin Special. This is his 14th HBO Special.

Carlin will turn 71 years of age in May. George Carlin was a hero to my generation. Being a child of the 60s/70s, George Carlin's biting and irreverent observations of the absurdity of the the human condition used to make tears roll down my cheeks. Amazingly, he still does. I think this special is great. His last one, not so much so. He had a not-so-hot special, but sure as hell looks like he's bounced back to me. His first HBO Special was filmed(yes, filmed, not taped) in 1977. Carlin was also the very first host of SNL in 1975.

His full name is George Denis Patrick Carlin. Irish completely. All of his grandparents born in Ireland. What I'd love to see is Carlin come to Scranton for the parade, then do an hour on what he saw, felt, liked, disliked. My guess is what he'd have to say wouldn't make a lot of people happy.

Smells of Spring are in the air. Mainly the scent of skunks on the move. This is the time of year for propagation. So, if you smell skunk, you smell Spring. That can't be bad. Also noticed buds yesterday on our Forsythia - and it's not For-cynthia has some are bound and determined to call it - which is likewise a sure sign of Spring. There is and was no Cynthia involved with this woody perennial. Forsythia is a member of the olive family, and takes its name from a gentlemen named Forsyth.
Hey, I know these things, I was once a PSU Certified Master Gardener.

Admittedly, I let the "certified" part lapse by not keeping up with ongoing education. It was my choice, my decision, I simply didn't have the time. However, I suppose I am still considered a PSU Master Gardener, maybe an uncertified PSU Master Gardener. It wouldn't be a decertified PSU Master Gardener, because you'd need some sort of ceremony for the decertification. There wasn't one. If there was, I missed it. All the more reason to consider my certification lapsed.

A door gets closed, a window opens, I guess. While through my own fault I am no longer certified as a PSU MG, I am now a member of The Pennsylvania Public Television Network Commission. I am actually Commissioner Sweeney, and it says so right there on the commission I received from the governor. It's an honor and privilege to serve my commonwealth, and very much the same to be appointed to this position by the governor, following which the state senate confirmed my nomination unanimously. I was notified of the confirmation by Senator Lisa Baker, and subsequently congratulated by Senator Robert J. Mellow. Thank you both. How 'bout that?

That's it for this time around. Remember, see you next Fall at The Bloomsburg Fair!