Friday, February 8, 2008

Thanks, Nancy...Thanks, Kevin

Thanks to Kevin Lynn's hiding out in Jamaica for a week, I get to thank Nancy Kman for inviting me to sit in Kevin's chair for a couple of hours this past week. It was great. I love radio. In fact, like I told Nancy, radio was my "first love" when it came to broadcasting.

What I probably didn't mention was that radio likewise made for a "cruel mistress." Radio never brought the level of success desired, but I did meet Carol because of radio, met her right there in a radio station. She was literally the FM to my AM. Meeting Carol more than makes up for my disappointments in radio.

Had things gone differently, which they very well could have, my career would have been radio and not television. Kevin and Nancy alike have set foot in both worlds, but now reside behind the microphone.

One thing I've always loved about radio is that you can't "hear" wrinkles, you can remain ageless on the radio. Please, this is not to say that Nancy has any wrinkles, she does not, she looks sensational.

Kevin, well, uhhh, let's just say he looks great for a man of his age. Yeah, I know, he'll get me for that. He might have a couple years on me...maybe. OK, see the picture of him above? It is indeed a true and accurate representation of Kevin Lynn. He looks great. Or at least he did the last I saw him. Surely Jamaica treated him well, bestowing a tan and that relaxed look only a vacation far distant can bring.

Since I did mention ageless and radio in the same sentence, how about Paul Harvey? Astounding, just astounding. Mr. Harvey will be 90 years of age on his next birthday. And he's still on the radio. He was there in 1973 when I opened my first microphone and mumbled whatever it was I mumbled.

There must be some age which you pass when people just have to respect you for what you do if you're still doing it. There must be a milestone you pass when it becomes obligatory that regardless of how people really feel about you, they have to offer their respect and, even if grudgingly, their admiration.

It was wonderful being back on the radio. I cannot thank Nancy enough for making me feel right at home, feel like I belonged there. She made me enormously welcome the second I walked into her presence. And thanks to all the folks who called and said kind things. Sometimes, you leave me at a loss, all I can say is thank you, and hope you know it comes from the very bottom of my heart.

There was also the opportunity to speak with Steve Corbett and Joe Snedeker. With both gentlemen, a distinct pleasure all mine. Yesterday, Thursday, was a day I will not forget. It was a blast.