Saturday, September 22, 2007

Brave New World...No, Scared New World.

Over the last couple years science, esteemed and legitimate science, has discovered new planets, heretofore unknown species of flora and fauna on this planet, and now, caves on Mars.

Just today scientists announced discovery of 11 new species of plants and animals in Vietnam, including a snake, two butterflies and five orchid varieties.

In the Phillipines, a new species of bat was confirmed last week. It's not a little bat, it's about the size of your cat with leathery wings...and it's orange. How has "science" been missing that critter all this time?

Then there's those pesky caves on Mars.

Surely science would like to just ignore them, wish them away, pretend they ain't there. Yep, that would be nice and neat and tidy.

They are there.

Some planet we never saw before is recently spotted in our solar system...and there could be more.

One day, I suspect, we'll be told Earth has another small moon, only 75 miles away, just a bit due North of Larksville Mountain, that we just haven't seen before.

Heck, I could easily line up a half dozen sane and sober individuals who would gladly sign affidavits swearing to the existence of the mountain lion in Pennsylvania. The Game Commission would likewise issue an affidavit denying their existence here.

About those caves. Those caves just might fit nicely with the face on Mars, which I'm going to guess most are aware exists. It looks human. Very big and human.

Very big, decidedly human, and quite visible from a great long distance. There is no small number of learned and intelligent scientists who are completely convinced that life either presently exists on Mars, or at the very least, that it once existed on Mars, and it wasn't all that long ago that it did.

So, what does it all mean?

To me, it means we have zero idea about a lot of things. We think we know it all.
We don't. Not even close.

Among the things we don't know, and in no particular order, would be...

Who we are. No, we have no idea who we are. We think we do, but we don't. Each year brings more questions about our origins. Most of the questions do not have answers. My very strong belief is that the human animal has yet to evolve to a sufficient intellectual level where it knows how to ask the right questions. Therefore, how could we possibly seek the right answers, let alone think we already have them.

What we are. We are mammals, apparently at the top of some order of mammals. What we don't know is this; might there be another and higher order of mammals of which we are completely unaware? I say, maybe, maybe there is.

Is there life elsewhere? The big shocker would be if there wasn't life elsewhere. Get your hands on a decent astronomy book, or maybe even do it on-line.

There are several astronomers out there who have taken the time to devise a step-by-step illustrated explanation of just how big the known universe is, and please do underscore known. Our neighborhood, The Milky Way, is Pixley compared to other galaxies. We're the runt of the litter. To say that we are but one tiny bit of fly feces within 7 tons of black pepper is not hyperbole.

I happen to believe there is lots of intelligent life out there. While that's my belief, that darned White House litmus test always gets in the way. We must always ask; why haven't they landed on The White House lawn?

Why would they?

Look, if they can get here from there, millions of light-years away, yet we can't get our kids to school if it snows a half inch, wouldn't you think that whoever they are view us as primitive at best?

They might look upon us as we look upon the bacteria we try and sanitize from our kitchen counters daily. To them, we might be no more than that mold, a living and breathing entity, that lurks in the far back dark corner of the bottom shelf of our refrigerator. Could be that, to them, we don't even rise to the level of how we view fleas, ticks, houseflies.

Should that be the way they see us, what would compel them to open a dialog with us?

If you're out there, hello. I bid you peace, so when you come, please come in peace. I can get you the t-shirt in small, medium and up to XXX-large. Let me know...